Navacel is committed to R+D+i.
The sum of these 3 concepts: Research, Development and Innovation helps us to fulfill one of our fundamental values: high performance, which focuses us on the continuous improvement of our people and manufacturing processes.

The Hazitek Business R&D Support Program finances the ZE -2023/00026- INTEGRIA Project
The Basque Goverment in co-financing with the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF) has financed, through the Business R&D Support Aid Program – Hazitek, the project “Investigation of structural integrity in floating wind turbines using AI-based models” with file number ZE-2023/00026

The Hazitek Business R&D Support Program finances the ZE -2022/00034- MEGAWIND Project
The Basque Goverment in co-financing with the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF) has financed, through the Business R&D Support Aid Program – Hazitek, the project “New solutions and technologies for monopile foundations, transition pieces and connection systems for 15 MW+ offshore wind turbines” with file number ZE-2022/00034

The Hazitek Business R&D Support Program finances the ZE -2021/00042- FLOAT&M Project
The Basque Goverment in co-financing with the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF) has financed, through the Business R&D Support Aid Program – Hazitek, the project “Integral solution for the O&M of floating wind power through the development of new technologies” with file number ZE-2021/00042

The Hazitek Business R&D Support Program finances the ZE -2021/00032- HYSHORE Project
The Basque Goverment in co-financing with the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF) has financed, through the Business R&D Support Aid Program – Hazitek, the project “Industrial research for the transport and logistics of hydrogen generated in offshore wind farms” with file number ZE-2021/00032

The Hazitek Business R&D Support Program finances the ZE -2020/00011- WIND2GRID Project
The Basque Goverment in co-financing with the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (ERDF) has financed, through the Business R&D Support Aid Program – Hazitek, the project “Applied research on floating substations for offshore wind” with file number ZE-2020/00011
Navacel has received government support through the PERTE Naval Economic Aid program.
This program's primary objective is to diversify the naval sector, focusing on the development of new products, digitalization, enhanced environmental sustainability, and workforce training. Navacel operates within the naval auxiliary industry, which is experiencing rapid diversification toward offshore wind energy. The company specializes in manufacturing large-scale steel structures for this sector and has already manufactured flagship components that support renewable marine energy production under the program.